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Naming Convention

This page contains naming conventions for commit messages and branches.

Commit Messages

Commit message titles should be in the form type: Short description of the change or type(subsystem): Short description of the change as per Conventional Commits.

Furthermore, the ticket number from the Linear task (if applicable) should be contained at the bottom of the commit message body.

Types may include:

  • feat: New feature
  • fix: Bug fix of an existing feature
  • chore: Changes that are otherwise a chore (bumping a version)
  • docs: Documentation changes
  • refactor: Change in code for code quality that should not affect functionality

Here is an example of a good commit message:

feat(payment): Add Stripe checkout

This commit adds Stripe integration to the payment page.

The endpoint `/stripe_webhook` has been added to listen to Stripe events and
handle payment fulfillment. This endpoint should only be called by Stripe and
validation has been added to verify requests.

While deploying the change, the STRIPE_API_KEY and STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET
environment variable should be set to the secret key and webhook secret
available at Stripe dashboard respectively.


It can be replicated with the following command:

git commit -m "feat(payment): Add Stripe checkout" -m "This commit... [SCSE-24]"

Each commit should be mostly self-contained and changes to previous commits (that are not already merged) should not be separate.

Here are some examples of commit titles that do not fit the criteria:

  • add more changes - Undescriptive commit message
  • please review thanks - Undescriptive commit message
  • 14/10/2022 changes - Undescriptive commit message
  • fix: Fix more things - Short description doesn't describe what commit does
  • add Stripe integration - This commit message is very close but is lacking the type at the front
  • fix: Fix compilation issue, fix: Fix compilation issue 2, fix: Really fix compilation issue - These commits should be merged into a previous commit rather than stand on their own

Branch Names

Branch names of type/ticket-ID should be used if a ticket ID is available (eg. fix/SCSE-24). Otherwise, a descriptive title should be provided in place of the ticket ID (eg. fix/git-documentation).

main is exclusively reserved for the latest working copy of the code that developers should base their work off of.

Release branches such as v1.0 may be created for the purpose of maintaining hotfixes (v1.0.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.2, ...).